Energy-saving and environmentally friendly, SECO/WARWICK’s unique heat treatment solutions serve a wide range of different industries.
Vacuum Treatment Furnace Systems

Annealing, solution heat treatment, brazing, sintering, gas and oil hardening (HPGQ), FineCarb® and PreNitLPC carburizing (LPC) , nitriding and other unique processes.
Aerospace, energy, defence, medical, machine, automotive, tool, hardening plants.
Unique features
Dynamic and efficient heating system, precise temperature control, excellent temperature distribution in the working space, efficient and uniform cooling, compact and modular design.

Single-, double- and multi-chamber batch and bulk furnaces, in horizontal and vertical configuration, low, medium and high vacuum, radiant and convection heating, low- and high-pressure gas cooling (with pressure levels of up to 25 Bar) or hardening in oil, full automation, computer control systems. Compliance with world safety and quality assurance standards.
Vacuum Melting Furnace Systems

Equiax casting, directional solidified casting, single crystal casting and electrodes, titanium scrap consolidation, metal melting and refining, metal powders, amorphous continuous casting, plasma welding, hazardous and radioactive waste utilization.
Aerospace, energy, defence, powder metallurgy, medical, automotive and nuclear.
Unique features

High performance, repeatability, process automation, modern control system with monitoring of each parameter, precise feed system.
Processed materials
Titanium and its alloys, tantalum, tungsten, niobium, zirconium, silicon, copper, precious metals, nickel, cobalt alloys and others.

A technology leader in innovative heat treatment furnaces, SECO/WARWICK provides over 4,000 solutions to customers around the world. These are used in the production of complex products such as control systems components, gears, landing systems for aircraft, turbines, aircraft engine elements, heat exchangers in aircraft and automobiles, and surgical instruments.
Transforming the global metallurgy industry for more than 25 years, SECO/WARWICK now has 10 companies on three continents along with production facilities in China, USA and Poland. Today, its state-of-the-art equipment and technology serve leading companies in the aerospace, automotive and power industries.
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